Run Cycles in Flash

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Run Cycles in Flash

So lately I've been making some run cycles (starting out using photoshop, then went over to Flash).
I based it off a rough sketch run cycle:

Then fixed it up in Flash,

and last night I finally got around to trying out FLash's Bones (Inverse Kinematics) - and now I am kicking myself as to why I haven't used them sooner!

So convenient, and much easier to do (especially inbetweens) - I will be working on this base armature for a bit, creating walk/run cycles as well as jump cycles.

This will all be used for something on my site I am planning (which you can preview here:

Anyway, what do you think of the latest bone run cycle? It's a bit jittery in some spots, and I think eventually I will add some "motion blur" streaking, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it is turning out!
It is a work in progress, mind you.
Any suggestion very welcome!
Thanks guys.


Im glad to see someone post something in 2d that uses bones. I dont see a lot of it on this forum. I didnt see anything wrong with your run other than its too slow. and you could exaggerate it more but thats more of a personal style choice

ah cool, thanks! Yeah right now it's 16 frames at 15 FPS, I was planning on making it 30 FPS, and making it 32 frames (just adding inbetweens on every other frame)
Maybe I will only add a couple in betweens at the high positions when I convert to 30 FPS?

Thanks though :D
I want to get into 3D as well, but I just love 2D so much I don't think I could ever be a strict 3D guy.

Looks good NHansen. It's more of a bounding action than a run. It could be faster to for a run. But the action and movement is nice.

I prefer the first version better. The bones run looks too puppet-y, like a marionette. There is just more character in the first one than the mechanical bones. If you're going for a robotic look, then go with the bones version.

As for changing it to 30fps and adding inbetweens, the run will wind up having the same timing. If you want him to run faster, you need to take frames out or put it on ones (if it's on twos.) You adding more drawings will slow the action down.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Hey thanks Ape!
I feel as though the first (and second) are "better" as well, I guess I should have explained more about the bones. I will be using it mainly for a base structure to "trace" - so hopefully when I redraw the frames again with an illustrated character it will look less mechanical.
Also, what I meant by adding more frames was, bump the FPS to 30 (right now it's at 15) and add less than 16 more frames, because 30fps at my current 16 frames is too fast, so I figure if I add maybe 4-6 frames and bump it to 30fps it might be a good speed.

I definitely see what you mean about it being too mechanical. There's really no squish/squash or stretch, but hopefully this will be fixed when I just use it as a run cycle "template" of sorts.

P.S. I'm a huge fan of yours, Sir Ape :)
Go Bloo!

bones normally let you do sqaush and stretch. is that not the case in cs4