Looking Ahead
2018 is here, and with the New Year comes the usual "questions" and "predictions" posts. On the questions front, Upload VR recently published a remarkably myopic list of "Five Big Questions Facing The VR Industry in 2018," apparently under the assumption that VR is all about gaming (really, who gives a flying ____ if VR comes to Xbox or if PlayStation VR maintains its lead). With respect to predictions, we seem to be right on track with those I made in graphic form a year ago:
I'll stand pat on those and look ahead to 2045, via the theatrical trailer for Steven Spielberg's adaptation of Ready Player One. While there’s no shortage of Easter egg analysis on the RP1 trailer's glut of pop culture references (Q*bert stickers, Thundercats belt buckles, a parade of Warner Bros. IP...) here's a list of things that caught my eye which you may not expect will be with us 27 years from now:
- Blind faith
- Product placement
- Economic disparity
- Environmental disaster
- Technological escapism
- Trailer park Jenga
- Pole dancing
- Clumsy VR headsets
- Rampant 80's nostalgia
- Gamification
- Flannel
- Business suits
- Silver-haired corporate criminals
- Laminated flooring
- Bustin' a move
- St. Crispin's Day speeches
- Control rooms full of cheering people
- Van Halen
As you can see, there’s a lot to look forward to.