Nvizible Creates Stunning Visuals for ‘Robot Overlords’
A home grown homage to the action adventure films of the 1980s Robot Overlords is an ambitious, original British SciFi film. The adults have lost the war and now the kids must save the world! Robots rule the streets and the people are electronically tagged and locked in their homes. Through the ruins of small town Britain a group of kids, led by Callan McAuliffe (The Great Gatsby), set out to join the Resistance. Hot on their heels however is their old teacher turned robot collaborator Mr Smythe, played by Sir Ben Kingsley (Iron Man 3) and his captive Gillian Anderson (The X-Files).
Robot Overlords was shot over nine weeks in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. As the sole VFX provider, Nvizible also employed its proprietary technologies Ncam and previsualization through Nvizage, bringing the full spectrum of creativity and technology to the project.
The VFX work includes fully CG animated robots, flying vehicles, a Spitfire plane, environments and explosions, the dramatic castle fight sequence and dramatic climax, involving the hero riding a giant CG robot spaceship.
Producer, Piers Tempest has this to say about working with the VFX team, “With a company like Nvizible, production are able to work hand in glove with the team resulting in an extremely high level of efficiency, and we were definitely able to punch above our weight with some great VFX! ”
“We are thrilled to be such a big part of this ambitious British film,” says Nvizible Co-founder and Robot Overlords VFX Supervisor, Paddy Eason. “We have been involved in the development of the script, the design of the robot technology, the shoot - all the way to the end of post production. I’m very proud of what we have achieved.”
Source: Nvizible