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sketches and comic art wanted!

By kms007 | Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 5:09pm

Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon
"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"

Not to steal any thunder from AWN's awesome forums, but if you're interested in web comics and/or discussing the tools and techniques for comics (digital or classical) or even sharing your sketches, I'd like to invite you to check out the new forums I've placed on The forums center around geek life, including the PC Weenies 'toon ('natch!) :), with a focus on comic art.

Hope you can visit :D

kms007's picture
Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon "Tech Toons for the rest of us!"

cybercyst's picture
Submitted by cybercyst on

yeah! Humph! It's not our fault we got hacked! Or maybe...YOU hacked the AWN Forums, so you could take all the glory for the pcweenies! It all makes sense now! ARRRGGH!!! ATTAAACK!!:D

kms007's picture
Submitted by kms007 on


Well, just to clarify -- the forums on focuses on geek life and general web comics discussion -- I'll refer all animation discussion to our beloved awn forums, naturally. As far as hacking goes, I hope they get the person or persons responsible. Hacking is totally uncool.

yeah! Humph! It's not our fault we got hacked! Or maybe...YOU hacked the AWN Forums, so you could take all the glory for the pcweenies! It all makes sense now! ARRRGGH!!! ATTAAACK!!:D

Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon
"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"

kms007's picture
Submitted by kms007 on

hehe - i know, cyber. :) Hey, btw, I checked out your website -- WOW!!! amazing images you have there! Great work!

hee hee! I was just kidding silly.;)

Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon
"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"

kms007's picture
Submitted by kms007 on

Thanks, Lar! :)

(bugs bunny to elmer fudd) Smooch! (/bugs bunny to elmer fudd) :)

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"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"