At this year's Autodesk Univerisity, with the help of Mikros Animation, Digital Fish, and Wonder Studio, the tech giant demonstrated a slew of program feature updates and...
The leading visualization studio’s work involved animating and editing a number of sequences, including a boat crash and shark chase, for the StudioCanal film about a group of...
He’s finally here! After all the rumors, conjecture, peeks, teases and furtive glances, we finally get to see the new man of steel, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor… and superpup Krypto!...
The leading creative studio delivers 500 shots across 11 sequences on the final film of the Marvel and Sony ‘Venom’ trilogy, including a Symbiote dance sequence, a battle atop an...
The CG supervisors bring a combined 30 years of international experience at leading studios, with credits on films such as ‘Dumbo,’ ‘Blade Runner 2049,’ ‘Deadpool 2,’ ‘Star Wars:...
Watch the breakdown reel; VFX Supervisor Andy Boyd and his team produced 202 final shots, from set supervision to delivery, via Houdini, Maya, Nuke Hiero, Shotgrid, and V-Ray.
VFX supervisor Jason Smith and his bevy of VFX studios, including ILM, DNEG, and Rodeo FX, delivered roughly 8,000 visual effects shots including Ents, a Balrog, Barrow-wights,...