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Traveling the World of Animation Headline News

Animation Journalist Nancy Denney-Phelps Releases ‘On the Animation Trail’

The book, which features covers by Joanna Quinn, charts the last 20 years of animation festivals, from Annecy, the oldest animation festival in the world, to Beirut and the founding of the festival in Peja, Kosovo; pre-order is available now.

Books Blogs



     It is getting to be that time of the year when we are all thinking about gifts. One of my favorite presents to give and receive is books. This year there has been a bountiful crop of books to give to your favorite animator or to gift to yourself. From a book about Simon Stampfer and his Stroboscopic Disks to a tiny Viennese animation gallery, to two books about Portuguese animation and animators at BAP Studio there is something for everyone out there. I even wrote a book and it will be published on the 20th of December.

Animation Festival Blogs

ITFS and FMX 2024, Stuttgart, Germany

There were big changes afoot at the International Trickfilm Festival in Stuttgart this year. Annegret Richter, Managing Director of AG Animationsfilms, the German Animation Association, has taken over the reigns as the new Artistic Director. For several years she was head of the animation department at the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animation Films (Dok Leipzig) and she was formally the artistic and managing director at the International Short Film Festival in Dresden.
