Cartoon Sounds

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Cartoon Sounds

Hey all,
a long time ago someone posted a link for a whole bunch of really cool "cartoony sounds" (I thnk it was Bluehickey but not positive)Anyway, i was wondering if any of you had any free sound links that are good for cartoony style animation?I have always used Flashkit and they have some good stuff but none of the old "vintage style" sound effects.Kinda like Tex Avery and Chuck Jones films would have;Thanks in advance.

Cartoon Sounds

I found lots of Cartoon Sounds here
then clicking on Cartoon Sounds

Here are the ones I've collected over the last few years or so:

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Yah, a1's got great effects.

Also very good is
My favorite of all is but you might have to keep a record of that url - their site's been under -reconstruction for awhile. They're fantastic, high quality, old-fashionedy and a leeetle bit longer (but not necessarily bigger in file size). has alot of sound effects... not sure how many of them are cartoony though...

I was going to post some links I had bookmarked for free soundFX, but when I tested the links, I realized that none of them worked anymore. The only other links I have for soundFX are to sites where you can purchase sound files : and Sound-Ideas have an awsome collection of cartoon sound effects including that 'vintage' sound you're looking for, but unfortunatly their collections are quite expensive to purchase.


Great links everyone, this should keep me busy for awhile!

Bingo Megatoon!

This was the exact collection i had downloaded before (i had put the cartoonlaugh in a goofy rap song i had done about a friend of mine on his birthday) so its something i really remembered!I hate when you switch computers (from PC to Mac, work to home) and so much goes by way of the "sock in the dryer"; Peace!