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How to make Samurai Jack?

By tkn77 | Thursday, May 6, 2004 at 6:51am


I am going to produce my own animation about Vietnamese folklores and trying to decide on the perfect software to create it in. I watch Samurai Jack on the Cartoon Network and that is the style and look of what I'm trying to achieve. I am looking into Toonboom and Mirage but was wondering if there is anything else out there that could help me do something like Samurai Jack! Any recommendations???

Please help because I have until November to finish. Tick tock!

Thank you ahead for your suggestions.

Daniel Poeira's picture

Hi tkn, welcome...

Both these softwares you mentioned seem very powerful, they'll probably meet your needs effortlessly. The thing with Samurai Jack is more with the style than with the software it's made in, so if you want to achieve it's feel and look, you'll probably spend more time watching it over and over again than reading manuals... :)

One thing that might help is to get some great painters to do the backgrounds. One of the main pillars of Samurai Jack's visual identity are those beautifully hand-drawn backgrounds. They look quite vintage. If you're working with folklore stories, you're very likely to do the same. Maybe even use other kinds of artwork.

Please show us some more material on your project, it sounds very interesting!

damage's picture
Submitted by damage on

You know i just thought about something. I have an older version of Toon Boom and i had ran into the same problem before. I havea porject i'm working on at school and toon boom was one of the pakages that we considerd buying so when we go into post. Then someone mentioned that toonboom only uses vector images. No bitmaps or jpg. So you wouldn't be able to put those cool looking bgs. I could be wrong. I do have an older version. I would suggest you look it up in their website or if someone who has used toonboom more know could confirm or deny this.

I would go wit Flash if i was in your shoes. That's just me thoug.

tkn77's picture
Submitted by tkn77 on

Thanks Daniel and Damage for the insight. Much appreciated.

I'm very amped about this project. It's definately will be the biggest one I've done so far. I plan to get the Samurai Jack DVD which shows the making of.

I started as a fine artist but, have been in digital for about 5 years so far. So I'm looking forward in painting the background scenes of the oldworld Viet. landscapes.

I am getting a huge amount of support from the Viet. community with big named singers and actors (probably none of which you guys know) want to be part of this historic project. That's why I need to do this project justice. I have a lot of work a head of me since I will be the sole animator.

You can find some of my older work on my site (which needs major updating) . I did a folklore title Watermelon Island which is geared toward children, but this new one will blow all of my other projects out of the water.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'm sure I'll come across many bumps along the stoney path.

Best regards,

uncle phil's picture
Submitted by uncle phil on


toonboom studio version 2 does allow you to import bitmaps, adolbe illustrator and pdf files, so it leaves you plenty of options. you can also import from & export to flash.


JustDrawing's picture
Submitted by JustDrawing on

I think ToonBoomStudio would be a good thing for you... Mirage is awesome, but it's more for anime, or more realistic animation and effects. The vector stuff will allow you to control line weights easier, and make those big solid shapes.