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Newbie Animator+Big project due tues=Insanely frantic Me

By Phlexxon | Saturday, May 8, 2004 at 9:01am

hello all, I have been checking out these forums for quite some time, and I must say, the quality of both the questions and submissions are of utmost intelligence. It is here that I find the niche of being an animator, and also getting substancial information and help as well. Thank you all..

Well, now that that's out of the way, I NEED TO DO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:

-Fail and die


-Produce a 10 min. VCD for my art Class this tuesday.

While I would like to get the latter done, this is where I'm having the problem at: I need some help with Flash (That's what I'm using)effects. How to pan, etc.

Also, I need some snazzy anime backgrounds, since I'm not as good animating bg as I am Character. Above that, I don't have the time to do the background cells at the moment. As you can see, it's saturday. Tuesday is sitting behind me shooting spitballs at my ear.

can anyone help me out? I know this all may sound confusing and last minute, but come on, give the procrastinating student a break. Before I do it myself with this hammer. ;)


Phlexxon's picture
Submitted by Phlexxon on

Once again, I thank you all for your wonderful support--It is nice to know that I can come, leave for 20 milleniums, and come back sometime far later than one would normally expect...much like a deadbeat father, or a rebate check.

Anyhow, I did well on the assignment. For a college art course, I decided to do something a little abstract...well no...a lot of abstract. It was interesting, to say the least, and I did 2 of them. 2 you say? Yes. 2. 2 bad it wasn't my best, though (I'm really sorry, I know that was bad.)

But now, I come to you with yet another glass of holiday late-ass-procrastination: Same situation, but the date is for the 15th. My only question is: Do you all think I can do it?


Oh, btw, here is one of (The worst of the two)the cartoons I did for that assignment.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

That's a pretty big project to try and pull off in such a short time. I'd advise simplifying it to it's most basic and perhaps not even use backgrounds unless they are very simple.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Saxdragon's picture
Submitted by Saxdragon on

I agree with phacker. You better forget bkg's and just write something where your character sits on a park bench most of the time and doesn't move. Something with an aggressive squirrel usually works.

Good luck.

Graphiteman's picture

Resisting the temptation to preach I would suggest the artsy route synchronising abstract shapes to music. Not to suggest that isn't work or that it doesn't requires planning.

If this is a High School project it may be impressive.
If it's an animation school of course they'll see right through it but maybe you'll get a pass.

Daniel Poeira's picture

If you have no time, focus on what works best. If the story is good, keep to it. If you want to show off your character animation, forget about the backgrounds. And so on.

I don't recommend you use Flash for panning and other things like that, a video editor would come in much more handy and work faster.

Graphiteman's picture

Well, maybe he did fail and die as stated in his first alternative.