Animation short: Musical monkey, crits encouraged!

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Animation short: Musical monkey, crits encouraged!

Hey folks, first submission here. It's a cartoony acting short, about 55 seconds, set to a music clip from the film 'My Fair Lady'. Looking for feedback! Enjoy!

11 megs, DIVX required.

EDIT: Link fixed! :D Right-click to download.

It's really pretty good. The character moves well, and fits the soundtrack very well. I did notice a little bit of IK jerkery at the knees every now and then, and what appeared to be a it of sliding feet. The top half of the body is spot on though.

Thanks a lot Rebel. A couple of people have pointed out the knee thing, so it's nice to have some additional feedback confirming it. :) Thanks for the nice comments on the other stuff too!

Thanks guys, and keep it coming. All crits encouraged.

Using LW I get the knee thing from time to time too. Generally I just tend to shoot around it.