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CGI Animators....Wanna join us..?

By b--jamin | Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 9:16am

Hey everybody...Hope all is well!!

We are a young CGI company eager to hire graduating animators for CGI animation effects geared toward quality indepentant films.
The company has been founded by the indy directer James Merendino(SLC Punk etc...)who is known in the industry to be able to take a very small amount of money and make it go a long way. His new mission is to make it possible for independant directers to realize their vision more completly without having to spend "studio" money. While at the same time bring a new agressive cutting-edge asthetic to CGI.
An opportunity for annimators to be paid for expressing themselves in a loose environment as aposed to the cookie cutter style that we are used to seeing in Industrial Light and Magic.
If you feel that this is the path you would like to be on, contact us immediately!! We are happy to bring on to our team, new talent as long as they have new ideas.
Must be proficient with either MAYA/3D MAX/Compustion, etc..
We want to see creative sample reels showing PHOTO-REALISTIC texturing, shading, and lighting. Environments are a must!! We know you're out there so first come first serve!!!

I appreciate any and all responses to this thread...