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The Sketch Boys in "San Frisco" by AJ Velez

AJ Velez is an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects.


Hello, how are you? I have posted a new animated cartoon, The Sketch Boys in "San Frisco" by AJ Velez. You can check it out here:

Windows (9 m)

Mac (35 m, sorry!)

First I want to thank everyone who made suggestions about my last cartoon "Ice Cream"



How I Did It.
I started out by writing a funny script between the two "Sketch Boys" characters. When I was done I put the cordless
headmicrophone on so I could move around while I was recording and really get into the part. I recorded the vocal bits into
Sony Acid Pro 5 and exported each one as a seperate .WAV file. Then I listened to each .WAV file to see what I really said
and I transcribed that with the help of the script into corresponding .TXT files, one for each .WAV. The reason I did this is because
DAZ3d Mimic 3 only accepts .WAV files and it uses the .TXT files for additional accuracy. I imported each .WAV and .TXT
set and applied them to a model face. I tweaked the facial parameters in DAZ3d Mimic 3 to get some funny expressions, then
saved the file and exported a .PZ2 file. This is the file that Curious Labs' Poser 4 Pro Pack uses to create the animation.
I imported each .PZ2 file and applied it to a model, then I made some cool camera angles and motion. I used the Curious Labs'
Poser 4 Pro Pack sketch designer with the colored pencil setting. I brought the background density to 0 as well as the
outline. The I exported each file as an .AVI file to a folder. In Adobe Premiere Pro I imported the entire folder and also
some sound effects from Sony Screenblast and Sony 1,001 Sound Effects CD, like the car door and the engine running. I
mixed the sound and exported from Adobe Premiere Pro as .WMV, .MOV, DVD MP2, etc. I also used Adobe Photoshop 7 to create the layers for the opening
splash screen and Adobe After Effects 6 to create the motion graphics. I encourage you to make suggestions as to what you
would like to see in the future!

AJ Velez

Adam J. Velez's picture
AJ Velez is an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects.