here's a piece based on the game CLUE

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here's a piece based on the game CLUE

I did this for a french contest for the site "les fous d'anims"( the BEST animatio forum in my opinion as far as french forums go!!!..
i'm still working on a part to it..but i wanted to pass this along before I do the rest ..

Strange, I have to close my firewall in order to see your work, taking the risk to be infected, but well, that deserve it :p .

I really like it, it's very stylised, remember me a bit of the UPA cartoon, and there is a real atmosphere. The more were are getting closer to those people, the more they seem wicked (evil face, playing with deadly stuff...)

May be some sound when "Docteur Lenoir" get killed and the screen flash in red, to reinforce the idea ?
In the last scene, when his eyes face the eyes of other peoples, it seem to rain. Is he in te house ?, or it's view from the window outside ?

By the way, I saw, your other animation inspired by Calvin&Hobbes, it has a lot of charm in it.

I'm gonna have to come back to this when I'm less emotionally charged, because as it stands you're just going to get a lot of vague "wow" type praise.

I love it. Awaiting The Pascal Show.

Great critic!
i love it .. You're rioght too!!!
adding folies would help a lot... i'm not sure i have time to do that since the deadline is rushing up like a tide faster than a galloping horse..(lol), but , I would love toclean up the whole piece , and , hence, add some stuff like folies.
as for the calvin and hobbes one.. thanks a lot.. the thread started by animated ape just got me going.
Bill Watterson was sucha big influence for me, and, actually, i was rereading parts of " it's a magical world" , and felt the magic again..
that man IS definitely a wizzard

ps.. si tu ne comprends pas tout ce que je dis, je te le traduirais volontiers!
au fait , je ne sais pas si tu avais vu, mais j'avais downloader ton test sur asterix... EXTRA!!!
vraiment classe!!!

tu fais quoi ?
tu est ou?

Scattered....well.. i'll take the easy route.. wow....
you're comments are always such a delight.
Are you a writer per chance?


OK, I'm back. Simple works for you, so so well. I'm glad you get this release. How scary are you at your job, cranking out high-detail material?

There are a lot of subtle details in this that most people, for the work involved, might "gloss" over but you always seem to add in that little extra that makes it all the more real and all the more worth it. I love the style, the silhouetting. It's almost completely in shadow yet we know exactly how it all looks and moves, and the story's broad and clear! The timing is impeccable with the eyes flashing in the darkness. The best concepts are the ones that imply themselves, I find, and let the imagination fend for itself. You took good material and capitalized on it in a very consistently unique way. I envy you.

('Course, I don't think I'm at a place to do anything more than review, and I didn't really have the sound up for it.) I second the motion that your style is more graphic (a la UPA) but it serves its purpose well. You're 3 for 3 in my book and that's just for January lol

I know what you're thinking, "Get off the fence..."

I'm a writer only in the sense that I write. I keep being told to do something about it but I'm not sure what they all mean =) If there was some way I could write creatively or comedically and get paid for it, ESPECIALLY for animation, in a heartbeat, yes. But right now my focus is on mastering the art first, and I'll just count my blessings as they come for any outside/relevant work. As it stands right now I'm a professional student =)

You should check out the clue thing again..i've updated it with some animation i did last night.
I won't have time to go further on it... because i DO have a REAL job that i have to focus on!

Yeah.. those litlles animations are really a breather for me..

There is one thing out of all the compliments and flatterings you've sent my way that pleases me more than anything.
The fact that younotice that i LEAVE out a lot of things.
Imagination is one of the most powerful gifts we have to make our lives better..
the interpretation of what happens between a and c when no one knows what B is, or .. if it really is B happening in between..
I'm not sure i do this as well as i would like to,but, i'm trying.
timing falls under the same umbrella.. Letting the music play and lead.. and when there is no music, youcan see that my timing is rushed, but still follows a certain suggestion principle.
These would all be great issues to discuss longer, but i'm not quite sure this is the place to do so...
i'll post a new thread for the updated version of clue.. but you can already check it out!


A little "stage whisper"

Salut Pascal,merci pour la proposition de traduction, à peu de chose pres (et avec l'aide d'un dico au cas ou), j'arrive à tout comprendre. C plus à l'écriture en anglais que c un peu plus délicat pour moi (tournure de phrase etc..).:p
Oui oui, j'avais vu ton commentaire sur Asterix, merci du compliment ;)
En ce moment, je suis ds le sud de la France (Montpellier), j'ai terminer de travailler sur une serie TV comme animateur/boardeur. Et donc mon boulot en ce moment...ben trouver du boulot! LOL. Et pour ca, je travaille sur ma showreel "à plein temps", pour y rajouter de l'anim 3D (faut bien suivre le marché), et postuler comme animateur n'importe ou ds le monde (je suis pas difficile... ha haha, et j'aime bien bouger).
Et toi?, d apres les post que j ai lu, je crois que tu es au Canada non ? J'avais lu un thread ou avec Wade ou vous parliez d' passé.
Tu fais quoi ?

Sorry guys, I'll not doing it again...until the next time...

ah non... pas le canada julien.. les usa.. portland pour etre plus precis.
Ubi, j'ai bosser pour eux alors que j'etais encore en france, a lyon( je faisais des trucs dans une boite de jeu video...c'etait sympa!!)

bonne chance pour le boulot en tout cas!

I have to say, Google's translator's become a much better spy tool over the years =)

ahahahaha sacre scattered, va!


Pascal I'd really like to see this but Angelfire won't let me. I've tried to cut it and paste it and everything I could think of to do. Have you taken it down?

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

oh yeah, phacker...
sorry about that..
i took it down yesterday but.. give me a second and i'll put it back up..

(it was just that i only have a limited amount of space on angel fire.. and, lol, well.. i do a lot of stuff and use up a lot of space on that!

ok .. it should be up now at ..

same as usual... copy and paste it in the browser

Pascal you are truly a pictoral minimalist master. I bow before you. Great stuff.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

pictoral minimalist??

I lIke that!
Thank you Phacker!!

I just meant that you can convey more with one brush stroke than most of us with a hundred. Great stuff.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.