Very impressive - especially the life drawings. In school they say "Overlapping lines is an effective way to show form through the illusion of space..." and this is what they were talking about. Geez. Most of your cartoon stuff is rock solid too, which makes me think "Now there's some good potential" until I see the rest of your site (styled but simple, my eyes and mind thank you) which showcases the fact that you are in fact employable because of your talents.
Hey I really like your work - a great line you have (as Yoda would phrase it)
Very impressive - especially the life drawings. In school they say "Overlapping lines is an effective way to show form through the illusion of space..." and this is what they were talking about. Geez. Most of your cartoon stuff is rock solid too, which makes me think "Now there's some good potential" until I see the rest of your site (styled but simple, my eyes and mind thank you) which showcases the fact that you are in fact employable because of your talents.
Kudos all around, good to have you here.
Great work! Really nice life drawing and animal drawings. Makes me want to draw more :D
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
your designs are fabulous!
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital