What's the ultimate 2D animation software?

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What's the ultimate 2D animation software?

..and please don't say Flash! I don't mean for the net.

I'm wondering what is the "photoshop" of 2D animation programs, meaning the accepted standard of power and ease of use. Budget is something of a concern, so under a grand or so would be preferential.

Basically, what would you use at home to make something like the Simpsons or Futurama or Family Guy?

Basically, what would you use at home to make something like the Simpsons or Futurama or Family Guy?

Paper and pencil, thumb nail it, and outsource it over sea.

...... oh sorry, you might have wanted a REAL answer... the ultimate software huh... such power is not meant for mere mortals. I was given a free trial of this software at siggraph last year, never played with it much, seems to do a bit of everything.


Character Animator - Lucas Arts

I Like Flipbook!!!


I like FLIPBOOK (by Digicel Inc.- because I like eeeeeEEEEASSSsssYyyyyyyy (EASY).

The pencil test elements are easy to learn, its inexpensive and you can use an ordinary webcam for pencil tests.

The Ink and paint is just as easy- just double click on the frame or frames and paint...

It does camera moves, it has colored lines, it can composite...

Love it!

Matt's right about the overseas stuff... The examples you've named are terrible examples of "real" animation. Most cartoons done today -with equivalent animation level as those you mentioned- are done straight in flash. (Except Futurama, which also uses 3D software)

I use Flipbook and I like it a lot, but there is lots of other stuff out there. Toon Boom, Animo, and yes, even Flash (Foster's Home, Mucha Lucha, Hi Hi Puffi Ami and several others use Flash for animation and I&P).

What's "best" depends on what you're trying to accomplish and your budget. There is no one answer.

there are quite a few. you really have a choice between something like
OPUS-Concerto ($15,000)
Flash ($600)

here is the deal. i like FLash because you can simply take about 80% hand drawn animation and take it to Flash trace and then do some of the IBs in there.it saves you a whole lot of time and you dont comrpomise on the quality because you still do work which is mostly hand drawn. in essence if you dont have the money you use Flash as merely a clean up and colour tool.
if you have the money or are willing to use pirated stuff you can go for Animo or Opus.