Pet Peeves on web delivery.

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Pet Peeves on web delivery.

I love viewing everyones work in the Show and Tell section, but lately, it's just a headache. Let me explain why. Number one I like to know ahead a time how big the file is, so I can download it when it's convenient. Hardly anyone let's you know how big the file is in advance. I am still on dialup.

Number 2. linking to direct download files without any warning. Hey if we should right click and download let us know but those blank hour long downloads are a real bummer. Try streaming or embedding your file. With flash use html, please. Preloaders don't work without it. I'd almost prefer an old realtime type embed over the the blank page downloads I am getting today.

Number 3. If it's going to take some time to download, give me something to look at, read, or think about.

The covers my main beefs for now.


phacker's picture
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Given the topic of some of your stuff, by the title of this thread I thought it was an announcement of a new short available.