Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
It's not the best, but I had to put something together, for this devastating event.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
It's not the best, but I had to put something together, for this devastating event.
I hadn't seen that story. Thanks for putting this together, Phacker.
Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.
Now with more doodling!
Being financially pinched and on the west coast. I can't offer much. But if I can get Snowball's story out and maybe find him.... but I am thinking Snowball probably isn't around anymore...big people made a choice and a little dog probably had to die. I hope they can sleep at night, along with most of Washington, but hey Haliburton and it's subsidiaries are making out like gangbusters, so I am sure they sleeping well and so are their bankers. It seems disasters really work well for Cheney's old firm.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.