Pitching an Idea for Cartoon Network Studios, request advice please!!

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Amount of episodes I have

The first series I have 230 episodes panned. The secnd series around 150. The 3rd was made almost a year ago and now it has about 95 episodes so far.

lol if you are pitching to CN

lol if you are pitching to CN, you need to turn the episodes DOOOOOWWWWWWNNN. be reasonable, more seasons contain 7-25 episodes. and each season episode amount depends on the the story it self, how many series you are due for and if people like the cartoon. but it doesn't hurt to even aim for 40 episodes.

So, how's ypur dream show

So, how's your dream show going? Also hey

So, how's ypur dream show

So, how's your dream show going? Also hey

Curious to see the progress

Curious to see the progress

Animation studio Donker Media

how much pay for a cartoon

how much pay for a cartoon series, from cartoon network?



i'm literally in the same position you were in, and now it is 2018, so i just want to know how this idea played through. were you able to acheive your dream, or did you change your mind, exaclty what discourgaded you (hopefully you weren't discourged) and any advice you have for someone like me in this situation.

thank you.

Me I have an idea too! I'm

Me I have an idea too! I'm gonna create my own show! Eventhough I'm not from u.s...

Your story seems to be nice :

Your story seems to be nice :)
