Jim Henson's Creature Shop Closes

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Jim Henson's Creature Shop Closes

I was reading in the current issue, number 69, of "3D World" said that the London division closed this past July. A Henson company press release began: "UK prouction enviroment leads to closure."

i think the weakening dollar had a big part in it. also i think the tax structures or something along those lines. but i think it wasnt wise to open something like that in London anyway .

well, it's the end of an era... to be honest I'm not totally surprised because, they where meant to release a co-production with Silver Fox called "Water Warriors", and there hasn't been any news about it. It is such a shame... I grew up watching the storyteller and loving puppets because of them.

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It used to be state of the art, but nowadays digital is the new wave. Animatronics is obsolete.

That just sucks. And it was Jim's Birthday on the 24th. Not a very good birthday present if you ask me. :mad:

the sad Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

It used to be state of the art, but nowadays digital is the new wave. Animatronics is obsolete.

Henson had a digital department, and did cg for several features. Besides, animatronics aren't any more obsolete than 2d or stop-motion. It may not be in favour at the moment, but it is still a valid technique with a proven track record.

What a drag. I wasn't really a fan of Jim's later darker stuff (and really didn't like what his son kept coming up with), but it truly is ashame that they're closing.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

They did cool work on the Vogons in Hitchhiker's Guide. I loved those guys!

True. The Shop itself did fantastic work for others. It even looked good in the stuff that originated from them.

The SFX industry is a tough one. Most companies barely bring in enough to cover operational expenses, let alone profits.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

The Vogons rocked beyond words! Ah well, I've got The Storyteller on DVD and there'll always be the Muppets. And Elmo. Oh my god, what am I saying???

project offer (freelance)

We are looking for 2D and 3D animators and web designers from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India to do our foreign projects (on freelance basis), hence hereby inviting you to send us your detailed CV with the following:

1. Recent photo (any size)
2. Brief about skillset and of projects handled
3. Contact details
4. Time to reach Nungambakkam

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Man that's some sad news indeed... anyone catch the Beeker gag in the last Family Guy... so rad

Webamir, go away you flippin spammer!