"Rational thinking will carry you a long way, but not to the finish line." Don Bluth
Clever use of negative space, I think that is what is going on. Nice start to what looks like an interesting short. I just wont to point out that the book "The Animators Survial Kit" will help you add more to the motion of your characters. Keep animating.
Thanks for the input. I've been reading the Animator's Survival Kit. That's the best book I've ever seen about animation! I like the stories of the old Disney animators too.
Anyway, The characters were designed by someone else on the 'Finished Letter'. I took over the animation for the project for a friend.
Here's a walk cycle I did (character and all). Trying to get the hips to swing.
"Rational thinking will carry you a long way, but not to the finish line." Don Bluth
Nice walk, but I see a little popping. It looks to me that your did this on 8's, but the arms are moving smoothly so where they done on 16's?
Looks good. A couple of things: The clouds in the background jerk to a different position in the last few frames (on the closeup); the translucent letter is nice, but the text of the letter appears upsidedown.
So much of the finish depends on the look you are going for, but as usual it's the small details that can make a big difference. For example, the arriving girl might kick up a small dust cloud, as might the bouncing ball.
As for the walk cycle, it seems part of the head and torso should move slightly up and down and slightly forward.
Good luck and keep going. Let us see it when you're done!
Nice walk, but I see a little popping. It looks to me that your did this on 8's, but the arms are moving smoothly so where they done on 16's?
The walk cycle is on 16's. It's in Flash so I tweened the ones (on the legs and arms) but not on the hips. So the hips/dress don't move as smooth. The hips/dress change shape so I couldn't tween them like symbols. Have to work on that. Sami Walk
The clouds in the background jerk to a different position in the last few frames (on the closeup)
That's funny! I didn't notice that before. But now it really sticks out. Also, I like the dust cloud idea. I did a dust cloud for another short. They're actually fairly complex to animate. Swirls and dissipating. Finished Letter
Good ideas,
"Rational thinking will carry you a long way, but not to the finish line." Don Bluth
Clever use of negative space, I think that is what is going on. Nice start to what looks like an interesting short. I just wont to point out that the book "The Animators Survial Kit" will help you add more to the motion of your characters. Keep animating.
Survival Kit
Thanks for the input. I've been reading the Animator's Survival Kit. That's the best book I've ever seen about animation! I like the stories of the old Disney animators too.
Anyway, The characters were designed by someone else on the 'Finished Letter'. I took over the animation for the project for a friend.
Here's a walk cycle I did (character and all). Trying to get the hips to swing.
Sami Walk
"Rational thinking will carry you a long way, but not to the finish line." Don Bluth
Nice walk, but I see a little popping. It looks to me that your did this on 8's, but the arms are moving smoothly so where they done on 16's?
Looks good. A couple of things: The clouds in the background jerk to a different position in the last few frames (on the closeup); the translucent letter is nice, but the text of the letter appears upsidedown.
So much of the finish depends on the look you are going for, but as usual it's the small details that can make a big difference. For example, the arriving girl might kick up a small dust cloud, as might the bouncing ball.
As for the walk cycle, it seems part of the head and torso should move slightly up and down and slightly forward.
Good luck and keep going. Let us see it when you're done!
walk cycle
The walk cycle is on 16's. It's in Flash so I tweened the ones (on the legs and arms) but not on the hips. So the hips/dress don't move as smooth. The hips/dress change shape so I couldn't tween them like symbols. Have to work on that. Sami Walk
That's funny! I didn't notice that before. But now it really sticks out. Also, I like the dust cloud idea. I did a dust cloud for another short. They're actually fairly complex to animate. Swirls and dissipating. Finished Letter
Good ideas,
"Rational thinking will carry you a long way, but not to the finish line." Don Bluth