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Drawing the Body!!!!!

By echi | Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 12:47pm

Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:

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i'm finding hard to draw bodies for my characters. i find myself trying to copy poses from other TV Shows. is there any advive or tips to easily draw bodies?

echi's picture
Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool: Visit My new album website My Gallery of My Characters, My Toons, My Life

Graphiteman's picture

I think you're a fine cartoonist.

If it's age appropriate, find a local life drawing class.
Draw from life around you; quick sketches: your ol' man watching TV, the cat or dog lying around etc. Don't be so concerned on details on what the subject looks like but what it/they are doing. Quick, loose and not so pretty.

Also read (I mean really read them) the books by Bridgman and Burne Hogarth respectively on anatomy. Maybe you can apply what is learned to your life drawings. I think copying from an artist you admire is okay if you are doing it to explore what makes a particualr drawing tick applying your learned knowledge to articualte what is going on.

Graphiteman's picture

Oh of the truest things ever said to us about drawing anatomy (when I was at a certain studio years ago) was a guest instructor , some kind of anatomy expert, from Simon Fraser University (he gave us a talk with sldies explaining muscles and bones and stuff ...and then he just let us loose in life drawing). Anyway, he said:

"The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know." ....Ad infinitum

JohnnyLethargic's picture

If you can, draw from life. Plus, if you are just starting out, be prepared for some less than perfect drawings. I went through the figure drawing gamut in college, and trust me, it's not something you get right away. You need to exercise the eye and brain to build up the proper "muscles." If I were you I would concentrate on proportion, angles, and relations of body parts (especially when there is foreshortening). Draw standing figures first, so you can find basic proportional relationships. I recommend drawing very consciously, make every line have a purpose. This will help you to draw more accurately, plus in animation and cartooning line quality is very important. Draw in ink, because you can't erase it. You will become more deliberate about what you put down on the paper. I know this is not popular advice, but hey, it's good to utilize several methods when drawing. Also, know your anatomy! Very important! Oh, and the easiest way to draw figures well is to do about a thousand drawings. :cool:

MonkeyGirl's picture
Submitted by MonkeyGirl on

your neck is to long, even for the gangly lookin' type. The human neck ends one third of a head below the head, your guys neck is a full head long! He also has some sort of a wrist issue on the extended arm. very good over all, I just got out of a semester of life study, and might be a little overly critical.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

DrSpecter's picture
Submitted by DrSpecter on

I've gotten into the habit of really deciding what my character is going to be doing before I start to draw. Sometimes, I'll pose and repose my Art S Buck manikin for 20 min before I make a mark. Drawing a person standing there with weight equally distributed is dull and unnatural.

I also start off with a line of action and a horizon line, which generally get erased. If I can get the character to be doing something convincingly, the figure drawing part comes much more naturally.

NOOB!'s picture
Submitted by NOOB! on

nice drawing saj, guys life drawing will help u out allot,sorry to hi-jack the thread again with my life drawings rants,but they give u an insight on how the body actually looks as apposed to comic book/animated bodies,once u learn the body properly,exaggerating it shud be a breeze.

heres sum of my recent stuff from life i've done...

and from what i've learnt i've taken it into animation and tried to push it further,this is a work in progress of a frame for an animated short i'm working on....i like exaggerating allot.

it all comes down to understanding rather than just browsing a few books and copying.