flash daily assignment?

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flash daily assignment?

Howdy all,
Seems I recall seeing somewhere, and I thought it was in these forums, where somebody was putting up suggested simple animation tasks and then people would put up their work and discuss. Anybody know what I'm talking about and where that might be? This was a while ago so maybe it's just gone. Maybe I dreamed it all?


I think someone mentioned that type of thing here before, but it never took off.

I do have a monthly flash animation competition over at my site. There is a sound clip to animate to, with prizes as well.


Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com

I vaugly remember that as well. Like Bluehickey said, I don't think it went anywhere. It would be cool to do, and I've been toying around with a similar idea to be posted on the "Show and Tell" forum. Maybe not daily, maybe weekly.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."