Doogle? What the hell is going on.

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Doogle? What the hell is going on.

Doogle, from the creators of the Fairly Odd Parents, whoopi goldberg, EH! What the hell has happened here. Wasn't this originally called The Magic Roundabout. Why has all this been changed.. Yes maybe the only people who know about the Magic Roundabout are the british and the french but why would this change. Americnas constantly cram baseball in to their films, and no one else in the world (except for canada and Japan) understand Baseball. The script and the actors have also changed. Doogle's character, with that voice, this doesnt make any sense. Doogle's a loveable character obsessed about sugar, not a cool american.The rabbit (sorry i can't remember then name) is supposed to be a stoner, and implies many drug references, and not the character shown in the trailer.
Why have the actors change? It had a huge cast of famousish British actors/actresses, did this only change for the American market, can americans only buy a product if their own people are in it? What was wrong with Tom Baker and the many other actors who have now been replaced?

If you're on IMDB, the board for the movie:

starts providing what some feel are plausible reasons about two pages down.

Well maybe if you Brits spoke english us Yanks wouldn't have to dub the movie. :D :p

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

What was "Hoodwinked" like when it hit your shores? As for the voice over, I think that has to do with advertising. They keep going on and on about who voiced what, most likely hoping for big box office. Another thing they keep pointing out is that it is from the people who did "Hoodwinked" and they revoiced some characters in that as well.


I agree that to plaguerize the magic roundabout in this manner is unforgivable. I haven't seen the film, but dread the response from my friends, having spent the past 30 years in Canada bragging about the show which was, prior to Star Trek, the best show on British Tele. Now I stand to be humiliated by a bunch of American Stars trying to fill the boots of my heros.
And, where is Zebedee and Florence????
What next, will Bill & Ben be used to promote the legalization of Weed?

Yours in embarrassment...

Snoyl from Yorkshire

I did some checking and the Magic Roundabout ran for two years back in the 60's. I am guessing that most of you watched it in reruns. The movie industry can make a mess out the shows we hold dear but they do need the money. :D
Look at what they did to Rocky and Bullwinkle the movie, now that was a crime.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong,...

I did some checking and the Magic Roundabout ran for two years back in the 60's. I am guessing that most of you watched it in reruns. The movie industry can make a mess out the shows we hold dear but they do need the money. :D
Look at what they did to Rocky and Bullwinkle the movie, now that was a crime.

I checked one more source and found that The Magic Roundabout had over 500 episode and I think they were all five minutes long. The show ran from 1963 to 1967, which for a kid show is a nice long run. I am sure it did not hurt that the show was ran in the evening which is a very good time slot.

Well maybe if you Brits spoke english us Yanks wouldn't have to dub the movie. :D :p

the Ape

"We [British] have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language." -Oscar Wilde

Doogle, from the creators of the Fairly Odd Parents, whoopi goldberg, EH! What the hell has happened here.

Wow. I haven't even seen the trailer for this one. I must get out more.

heeeey!! It isn't just the brits and the french that grew up watching the magic roundabout!! It was really popular here in Portugal too.
I remember when I saw the first cgi images when the film was first announced in the UK and my heart sank :( , I'm not even going to tell you when I saw the first trailer! I think that the appropriate word for it is KABOOOM...
What's next? a live action version of Mr Benn? (for the people that might not know who mr benn is

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"