Animation Guild Lab at your service

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Animation Guild Lab at your service

Hello, the 839 Computer Lab is still open and ready to serve you. We are
still planning to have guest speakers to come in on Monday evenings for
software demos and possibly offer advice on reels. Plus we have had a
user who is familiar with Shake, and we are trying to set up a demo soon.

We also have two Photoshop stations for 839 members to come in and brush up on their skills. Photoshop seems to be in the highest demand for
production skills right now, and makes a great stepping stone to other programs. In an indirect way, we have built up our own "brains trust" where if you have problems or need advice on a particular software, there may be a user here who can help you. The Lab Administrator, Ken Roskos, has a good deal of working knowledge of Maya and some Photoshop.

The lab is open from 2-9 pm Mondays, 2-6 pm Tues., Weds. and Thurs. The
lab is also open 12-4 pm on Saturdays. Please call ahead 818-766-7151 or
email here to reserve a seat. Sometimes the Photoshop stations are in high
demand, and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance.

Please take advantage of Photoshop, Maya, After Effects, Shake and Flash,
plus a few other programs and our high speed internet. Your presence and
your experience can help enrich the Lab and boost our morale. This could
help you and your fellow 839 members stay competitive in digital

Thank you for your time in reading this update, and please spread the
word to 839 members you know that don't have access to animation software or the internet. These are the people the Lab can help the most.

Best Regards,

Ken Roskos