~Don't Give Up!~
I am a recent graduate, based in London.
I need some advice?
An animation company has offered me work before I finished my degree, I did 3 pictures for them, they pitched it to an company for me, and I'm waiting for them to tell me to start the animation or not.
Meanwhile, this animation company has asked me to do another project - to come up with some ideas... BUT... I've realised there has been no written agreement of any kind.
I'm not sure what to do?
Should I give them an invoice for the 3 pictures? How much should I charge? Should I make them sign a non disclosure agreement before I start work on this new project? Do I give them an invoice after I've done the animation (if they want me to do it, as I do not know yet?)?
I also didn't put the little copywrite symbol on those 3 pictures, now that I have given them in, does that mean I can never reclaim them as mine now?
I realise I have no idea how to freelance, I want to protect my interests and not get screwed over! I went to the careers advisor at university... they told me to find out from people who are out there freelancing (great help they were)... so can anyone help me?
I often do pitch work. I insist on an "expenditure fee" which is a minimal amount to cover materials and a bare living minimum. On top of that I get a written agreement of payment or participation should the pitch succeed. Don't leave anything undiscussed.
If you've done 3 illustrations and they've accepted them, write the invoice.
Chances are this will go nowhere so you're probably worrying about nothing. The animation industry in London is a pretty small world and if you get a reputation for screwing people over then people won't work for you. Certainly I've given drawings to companies for pitches inpretty much this exact situation and always been treated fairly.
Remember this industry is all about making contacts so looks like you're off to a good start.
If you're still worried I'd get in contact with the union; http://www.bectu.org.uk/
Good luck!
showreel: http://www.bentosanimation.co.uk/
blog: http://bentosanimation.blogspot.com/
In Australia, artists' ownership of their images / intellectual property is ensured, provided they sign their work. An artist's signature does not require a © symbol. I'm sure the British copyright system ruling is very similar, if not the same. You should be able to reclaim them... they're rightfully yours without a contract stating otherwise, or signing them over.
Website: danimations
Videos: vimeo | youtube
Blog: creativity base