How would you go about this? I'm trying to put together my portfolio and would like a convenient place to spend as much time as possible in. I live in the south suburbs of Chicago and the nearest I know of is The Palette and Chisel pretty deep into Chicago. Takes me an hour and 15 minutes and $12 in train/busfare. That along with $10 for the open studio.
I'm planning to head up there twice a week if I can't find a better solution. But the problem is that I don't know how to search for schools closer nearby. My teacher mentioned The Palette and Chisel. The nearest fairly large community college hasn't got a figure drawing class. Any suggestions where to ask, or how to search for one. It would be incredible if there was something nearby where I could lay a membership fee down and drive 15-20 minutes each day w/ free parking. How do I go about looking for it?
Thanks for the reply. I've been looking through search engines with random descriptions quite a bit. I'll keep trying though.
Anyway, I have been to Brookfield Zooas well recently. It's about a 10 minute longer trip but the zoo is free. I plan to keep going to both but the more convenient the better, you know? Also, I did find animals challenging but rewarding as well since they constantly move and let you know of their actual mass. The first figure drawing class I had was really spent untying myself from using the model as a goal, and instead as a tool for the expression he evokes. On the anatomy half, I study that quite a bit at home. A teacher would be great but I gotta make do. I'm constantly trying to improve and understand any part of the body I have a weaker understanding of. Hopefully the more comfortable I get in studios I can combine that knowledge with the aid of the model.
Thanks for the help though once again. Much appreciated. Art Institute is actually closer so I'll check there along with any other possibilities I can hunt down.