I am an animator who is looking to collaborate with other artists on a short film, I am looking for fresh ideas, constructive oppinions and artists who can work with After Effects, Photoshop and digitally compositing photography and film.
The film I am working on is of everyday life, circumstances that can change peoples lives and make their world come crashing down before them. The working title is 'Transition' and is a recent graduation peice of mine, I want to make this film into a winning festival piece showcasing artists talent but it needs some direction and new ideas.
I am looking for people who can commit to the film and have a passion for animation and completing deadlines, and who can communicate over the internet on MSN.
I am offering a unique chance to become really involved in an ongoing project which will be show at festivals and every artist will of course be credited for their work and effort.
A samplae of my work is here for people to look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ3eunKwvg4 and also a rough idea of the film as it is now at http://www.motioninmind.co.uk/motion1280.htm.
Hopoe to hear from you all.
Hello, if your still looking for storyboard artisits, I am interested in this project.
Please look at my website and see what you think.