flash library question

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flash library question

I'm doing my first ambitious flash short and am using a number of characters (10.) I'm about 1/3 of the way through creating the characters and have assembled each character as their own flash file (with front, 3/4, back, profile and head, including mouth comps.)
After I'm done creating all the characters, should I put them all in the same file to start animating them or should I just link to each external library? I did my bg's in photoshop, am constructing/animating the characters in flash and plan on compositing the whole thing/adding fx in After effects.
Either way, any tips would be appreciated.

chunking your work

I don't fart around with external libraries because of the kind of interactive programs we do--they cause problems with some of the controller-logic our techys have devised. If you're just developing for linear animation, that might not be a worry for you.

The nuances of library management aside, I recommend you break up your scenes/shots into as many seperate .flas as you can. It speeds up testing your work. Even if some of the .flas end up with copies of the same library symbols, they are easy to update if you decide to make changes later on. (simply pasting the updated symbol into a .fla file and replacing when it asks...then delete the one you just pasted.)

I also recommend that you maintain your original "model flas", using them as the master files. For example, if you're working on a scene and decide to make a tweak to Character A's hair color, be sure to update the master .fla to keep it current.

Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com

Thanks, Tedtoons.
That makes a lot of sense.
I had actually planned on flying the photoshop pngs in, just for a blueprint, animating the scene, then flying out the layers (I bought a cool plug-in called Layer Ex that allows you to individually fly out layers) to AE.