short animation of drunk flour sacks

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short animation of drunk flour sacks

I plan on continuing the adventure, this is scene one. Tell me what you think. The formatting is pretty wide, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm going to make the rest of it in tv ratio.

I had started out with more complicated human figures, but I was having a problem, as you noticed with the sliding, of keeping the volume continious. It seems everything I do straight-forward gets a tiny bit smaller every frame. laziness perhaps? or maybe I just need to look back on the first frame more often. Do you have any advice?

I thought I would practice with half filled flour sacks like "the illusion of life" says Disney animators used to.

I have tried cartoon people, dogs, marshmellow men, and snowmen. I tried realistic and anime styled people as well, but I just don't think I can tackle them until I figure out this sliding volume problem I'm having.

Perhaps I need to give up straight-forward animation and switch to something more structured and keyframed, unless I want it to look all woozy and experimental.

Though, as far as the flour sacks go, being drunk and all the sliding volumes aren't too bad. But still they are there for practice and this is preciseley the practice I need.

Any advice anyone?

It is ok for a start, they are sacks and they move well. The sack object is ok for training but I hope you plan to move on to something with limbs. Sorry I could not say more but it was hard for me to make out any details in you piece.

Oh it would be nice if there was a little more enviroment, by that I mean a floor line for the sacks to stand on. I just noticed that your character appear to be slinding into the back ground, so is this something you wont?