Flash/traditional animation tutorials

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Flash/traditional animation tutorials

hey, some of you might know of my work from Hayasapictures.com

Well now I've started a blog at www.Flashimation.org where I will be posting traditional animation techniques in flash tutorials. I was planning on having it be a paid subscription, but changed my mind and made it free for all.

Hope you enjoy my tutorials and hope the info is useful.

you can subscribe and get free email updates when I post new tutorials.

new tutorials added!

3 new ones added!!

Good on ya for your blog! Let's hope lots of Flash artists read and benefit from your posts.

This was great! Looking forward to future tutorials.

This was great! Looking forward to future tutorials.

thanks, btw we changed the url to www.Moolt.com and I have 3 tutorials going up today. It's actually one 37 minute tutorial cut into 3 parts.
