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New Animations

Giancarlo T. Burani


I´ve posted some of my recent animation work on , in the video session!

Please check it out,
i´ll appreciate any feedback or comments,


Giancarlo Burani's picture
Giancarlo T. Burani

SpaceFighter2000's picture

They're not BAD but they don't have much to them, they're like still pictures that jiggle a little. The character design is pretty cool though.

Art's picture
Submitted by Art on


You definitely have a mastery over flash...I dig the animations on your site, cogratulations.

Btw, is the animation industry big over there in Italia?

Doubt's picture
Submitted by Doubt on

Hey Gian, looking good.

Art: He is from Brazil

Giancarlo Burani's picture

yeah, i know what you mean, i had to make two of those per week for six months, so i didn´t have much time to work on the animation, those ones are the best looking considering the composition and character design... so you can imagine how the worst ones looked like...

I´ll post a few others later...

Anyway, i like the hello kitty and the polly commercials... but my favorite is my VFS final film on (click on the TV!!)

thanks for the comment!

yo Jordie, when you´re gonna post some of you´re tests, dude?


Giancarlo T. Burani