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I downloaded the demo for TVPaint it's really fun and easy to use, it's like photoshop mixed with flash. Here's an animated jump I did just trying it out.

Tell me what you think.

Animated Ape's picture

The anticipation is nice as well as the gather at the top of the jump, but the gravity gets cut down to 25% on the way down. Also there is some sticking on the take off on the jump. I see you are going for dragging the feet and legs, but it's slowing down the take off.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

dagman's picture
Submitted by dagman on

the slow pace of landing is the thing i noticed most.... needs acceleration... consult Newton for details ;)

i like the take off, arm action is cute. tell me more about the app you used..?

Website: danimations
Videos: vimeo | youtube
Blog: creativity base

SpaceFighter2000's picture

Thanks for the critisism guys, it was very helpful. I wanted to change it but the demo doesn't let you save.