Writer's Strike is Over!

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Writer's Strike is Over!

Yes, the writer's strike is officially over. The WGA won concessions on most of their demands- still not covered, writing for animation and reality shows.


Larry L.'s picture
Larry web site http://tooninst[URL=http://tooninstitute.awn.com]itute.awn.com [/URL]blog: [U]http://www.awm.com/blogs/always-animated [/U] email: larry.lauria@gmail.com

Some animation is covered by the WGA deal. Fox animated shows (Simpsons, Family Guy, etc) are under WGA jurisdiction. Most other animated shows are under TAG jurisdiction, and couldn't have been covered by this agreement anyway since it's a completely different union. Putting animation and reality on the table a few months ago was just a negotiating ploy.

The writers overvalued themselves. There will be much less written shows, less pilots produced. Most writing on television is mediocre, and now those mediocre writers are gonna have a hard time getting any work at all.