software questions

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software questions

I recently bought myself a 12wx. If your buying from europe then the cheapest way to get yourself a cintiq is from america via a company that will send it as a gift to avoid taxes, 1000usd is 500quids at the mo.

anyway, my tablet is great but the cursor does move away from the tip of the pen, especialy near the edges of the screen. Ive calibrated it with a small ofset so that i dont lose the cursor under my hand whilst im drawing. Is this a standard problem with cintiqs? how do you guys calibrate your tablets?

Im also wondering about software, i have downloaded a demo for toon boom digital pro, the program is a lot of fun and i think its probably what i will settle down with. There are so many options like mirage, after effects, anime studio etc. I need to try after effects. I love photoshop and hate using illustrator and avoid vectors at all costs so i do at least know that i need a 2d animation program but which one? what are the differences between them?

the wisdom of the pro's and veterans would be greatly apresiated, apolagies for my spelling

anyway, my tablet is great but the cursor does move away from the tip of the pen, especialy near the edges of the screen. Ive calibrated it with a small ofset so that i dont lose the cursor under my hand whilst im drawing. Is this a standard problem with cintiqs? how do you guys calibrate your tablets?

There are so many options like mirage, after effects, anime studio etc. I need to try after effects. I love photoshop and hate using illustrator and avoid vectors at all costs so i do at least know that i need a 2d animation program but which one?

Well, if you prefer to avoid vectors then instead of ToonBoom take a look at TVPaint Animation . (you mentioned "Mirage" ... well Mirage is no longer for sale and the new, improved version of Mirage is called
TVPaint. )

my tablet is great but the cursor does move away from the tip of the pen, especialy near the edges of the screen. I've calibrated it with a small offset so that i dont lose the cursor under my hand whilst im drawing. Is this a standard problem with cintiqs?

Yes it is a problem with the Cintiq. The accuracy falls off the further you get from the center of the tablet and the more you rotate it .

I realize the rotation of the Cintiq is a major selling point (and for rough sketch work where accuracy is not absolutely necessary the physical rotation of the tablet is ok) but I prefer using the rotating
workspace in programs like TVPaint so that when I rotate the drawing the rotation is from within the application, not by physically rotating the tablet. That keeps the accuracy of the stylus centered .

TVPaint has a rotating "virtual animation disc" feature which allows you to rotate the drawing to any comfortable drawing angle , in real time , with no lag and no distortion of the image.