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what $ to create a lulu/revver-youtube combo site for tooners?

[I]I'll work 10 hours a day for $350.

Andreas does the photoshop posters for Paramount, gets $700 per day at 7 hours plus an hour off for lunch.

You do the math as to which is a better deal.[/I]

Hi folks ~

I've been looking at Revver and the new youtube revshare systems - revver pays too little, 'tube doesn't even say how much they'll pay for roll-out ads and the acceptance is dodgy, plus both sites are really designed for Mentos into Diet Coke and mascara manboys blubbering about Britney. Which is fine, but it takes all of 20 minutes to knbock that stuff out and upload it. Not great/feasible for animators.

So, if I and some other peeps wanted to created a different option as follows, I'd like to know if anyone can give me an estimate for the site to be created, launched and running for one year:

1.) clips open to same rating allowances as Ralph Bakshi films, Drawn Together, etc., obviously no hentai, but more than what's allowed on revver/youtube, no more than what's on free-to-air TV here in Australia (obviously this could start as an Australian site)

2.) no reality TV crap clips, just animation and shorts that have at least 10% animated content (culling bad submissions)

3.) option to post "how-to" D.I.Y. clips

4.) links to something like where customers can purchase d'loads at a price set by the individual animator, and get shirts, books/etc on a similar print-on-demand system

5.) ads on a crawler at the bottom of each clip, like on the news/morning TV shows and/or a small insert clip inside the main clip (the animators could add these themselves). clip providers would get lion's share of ad revenue (75%?), thinking 2 sponsors per ad rather than one (example: The MacNeil Leher News hour on PBS). Hoping to generate twice what Revver offers ($1 per 1000 views, so over $1.50 per 1000 for the animator, $0.50 to the site).

6.) since this is basically an attempt to help Aussie animators, we'd want the site based in Australia with payments by because otherwise the Aussies get screwed RE timeframe/fees.

these are least the initial precepts. Any ideas on probable cost would be appreciated.

all the best, thanks in advance,


LoveClassics's picture
[I]I'll work 10 hours a day for $350. Andreas does the photoshop posters for Paramount, gets $700 per day at 7 hours plus an hour off for lunch. You do the math as to which is a better deal.[/I]

skinnylizard's picture

1) i think your biggest cost is bandwidth, if you are advertising dependent then you will have expect a large number of plays and MB usage.

2) how will you make it popular? are there enough people out there who want to watch animation all day ? especially short clips probably not very well made ? you might have to spring for SEO & Keyword advertising as well.

3) i think there are some off the shelf packages which can get you going right off. i cant recall right away but i think there is an Aussie site that already does this.