Hi, I am educator and I am artist too. I have always dremt in becoming animator; even before 3D animation exists. Maybe, I will have the opportunity to study animation in México or Argentina and I would like to know if someone has studied in, or has information about, schools in those countries.
I know nothing about animation and I am seeking a complete program that guides me from the begining of animation. I need a program focused in storytelling and animation production. It must lead me to develop advanced skills in animation and to acquire proficiency to create and develop my own visual stories. It must include a wide range of animation techniques, from hand-drawn character animation to interactive digital animation. The program must include: principles of animation and screen design, methods and techniques used to design and develop characters, storyboarding, traditional animation and 2D animation. Among the outcomes, the program must have graduate students with comprehensive knowledge of animation from conception through animation direction to postproduction. I need a program centered in the development of artistic and technical skills for animators (since I am artist and the projects I want to develop are focused on storytelling) NOT in computer sciences or in graphic design.
Does someone has information about animation schools in México or Argentina that should take me to reach my goals?
3D World magazine published a list of schools about a year ago. You should check out their web site, it might be there.
Beware of 3D Worlds list- it tends to be hard/software heavy and rankings can be 'bought". Some of the schools ranked high lack the teaching (faculty) and the artistry and pure animation training...not all - but some.
Lovejoys guide to colleges is more work to research but a better reflection of standards.
Also, check out the studio sights they list their preferred schools.
web site
[/U] email:
Thank you both for replying. Larry, I never wonder that the rankings can be bought, that is a valuable information for me.
Through this web site I found four schools or universities in Mexico and none in Argentina; should be some in Argentina? I have also learned, through this web page, that one must seek a suitable programme or the best one for each one than the best university for everybody; after that, one should seek the best university among those. In fact, I got admission in two excellent universities in the United States (UCLA and Rochester Institute of Art and Technology) where I found good programmes suitable for me but I have not been able to find the funds to support my studies there, yet.
Now, someone offered me the possibility to get a sholarship but it has to be in some of the countries I have mentioned before. I was supposed to study a master degree but in Mexico I have only found licenciature programmes suitable for me. Among those universities, I would like to choose the best one. Unfortunately, in my country if one chooses the university because of the programme, one should be very disappointed. Besides, I would like to know if there should be more universities that those registered here. Larry, excuse my ignorance but I have checked in the web what should mean "Lovejoys guide" and "studio sights" but I wasn´t able to figure it out, what are those?
Thank you in advance :)
Maybe, there is some Argertinean or Mexican who can tell me about good schools. ;)
The guide is a book but I can not find a web site for them.
Publisher: Peterson's
Lovejoy's College Guide 1998
by Charles T. Straughn, Barbarasue L. Straughn
Paperback - 24TH BK&CD
ISBN-13: 9780028616896
Lovejoy's Guide to Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Science
by House Wintergreennorchard, Wintergreen Orchard House
ISBN-13: 9780028613161
I did some checking and found this, also I have know idea how good it is.
Gardner's Guide to Colleges for Multimedia and Animation
by Garth Gardner
ISBN-13: 9781589650190
Thank you Wontobe. I have a little problem: I live in Central America and I am not able to find any of those books here:( .
You should contact a major university, they are sure to have all that information. Maybe you could check all the schools that teach animation.
Any way, good luck.
Thank you Wontobe :)