Cafe Sketching with S.Banning

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Cafe Sketching with S.Banning

Hello all!

I'm brand new to this forum, and I can't wait to get to know you guys! I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this place before now, but here I am, so let's get things started.

Most recently, a few friends and I have started going cafe sketching on Fridays at Downtown Disney, so I figured a cafe sketching thread would be some fun.

I'll be updating every week with my newest sketches, but I'd like for this to be an open thread for anyone to post their cafe sketches!

wow what fun. Downtown Disney sounds like a great place to draw...The last time I was there My wife and kids were tugging on me to move cause I was people watching and not getting with their program so to speak hahahaha Anyway great work and I hope you find more people to get involved:D


haha! This is an awesome idea. Can't wait to see what people post.
I know there are some unique characters around where I eat lunch. Maybe I'll take a sketchpad with me one day :)

Hey guys!

Nice to hear from a few of you!
I missed out on the cafe sketching night yesterday because I was in AZ visiting my grandpa, but I DID have some interesting encounters at the airport.

So now I will share with you: Airport Sketching!

great sketches mate, full of character!

Some more cafe sketches!

First page is from a week ago, last two are from Saturday.

Hey there,

Nice sketches. I really like the how you've captured the body language and characters. Keep them coming! Seems like a lot of fun too. Durn, I wish wasn't so self concsious about drawing in public. :D