What is the best approach to pitch an animation idea to the animation industry
I have two 30 min full animations both target audience to the 7 to 12 age
kinda silly like "Spong bob" nothing like "The Simpsons"
I am in need to find a way to pitch my animation ideas to the animation industry
any addvice would be nice
here are 2 samples links...
"The Chronicles of Heather and her monster"
"Bug eyed"
It is the Christmas season so this forum is not going to have a lot of traffic. What I can remember from other posts, on the same subject, is some really basic stuff.
Do your homework.
Find the studio that already is geared towards your animation.
Show your best work up front and do not waste their time with empty talk.
Show energy in your presentation but I have heard that too much is also bad.
That is all I can remember but like I have posted on another one of your threads, there is a book on this very subject. Good Luck.
One last thing, you need to stop posting the same thread. If there is no response then the industry people here are too busy. It happens, I have a number of posts that are not responded to.