Hello :P

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Hello :P

Im new here, and new to learning animation. I am 18 and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do in life. This frustrated me to the core, but I finally found out I want a career in Animation. James Cameron's movie Avatar inspired me to pursue this career goal. I have one question though. I need to find a university that is well recognized for computer animation. Anyone have any suggestions of a good university I can go to for computer animation? Also, what computer animation software is good for beginners?


Hi Steh-

First of all, slow down a bit an answer this question: Do you draw right now? Do create art of any kind right now?

I do not mean just occasionally either, but drawing daily.....almost obsessively.

If you do NOT, don't consider this a career choice.

If you are not an artist, what you are doing is jumping on the bandwagon full of people that see something like Avatar and think there this amazing sexed-up career ahead. They get caught up in this affectation.....all the glitz and glamour, thinking that "its all done on computers, so it shouldn't be that hard..." and they fall for the lines that a lot of schools offer that implies that almost anyone can do this sort of thing.

If you are not drawing/creating already, and to at least a semi-professional degree......then either take the time to get to AT LEAST that level, or abandon the dream.
Schooling will offer you a respite of a couple of years, maybe.....then you'll be in the job market. Unless your talent is developed to a high degree already......then you will NOT be ready and will face even greater heartbreak and frustration. Talent can take time to develop--and.......do not kid yourself......schooling will NOT give you talent. It will give you procedures, and some networking, but the innate talent to produce professional work will have to come from inside you.

Now, if this intimidates you or makes you think twice....good. Listen to that voice--its saying you are not ready.
If, however, another voice screams defiance, and dares to accept the challenge, then by all means go for it. Bring your A-Game--nothing less. Work your ass off to become a top drawer talent, and then take the schooling.

Good luck.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Yes I ask a lot of questions because I need to know them. I know I have a hard trip ahead of myself but I want this. I do draw a lot. I don't believe I have reached a professional level yet and that is my goal. The reason I ask these questions is to set up my big goal. If I have this I can create small goals to achieve the big goal. I love that you gave me criticism rather than just saying hello. I have taken in your thoughts and I consider them greatly, but I know this is the career direction I want to take. Thanks


According to your need to choose a suitable career, this is the most important.:rolleyes:

Hi everybody!
I am a new member here and I just wanted to write and say hello to all. I am happy to be a part in this forum. I was just visiting here and enjoying my visits this before.
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Hello carlish
Welcome to the fourm
Nice to enjoy this site
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