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First steps into animation

Hi there,

recently i have seen a movie on youtube by David Firth, maybe someone here already know his work. If not, here is a example ...

Now i am really interrested in doing such a movie by myself. Unfortunally i dont know anything about the how. So here are some questions maybe someone could answer for me ...

1. What kind of program is needed to do such a movie?

2. Is it hard to learn how to use it? Are there any tutorials for newbies available?

3. What are limitations with these programs. If i paint i always prefer a higher amount details. Do i need some kind of super computer to use more details. Or better, if i only have a ordinary computer like moste people am i forced to reduce everything to a minimum?

4. Can someone show me some examples of what is possible to do with such a program i need? Just to get a impression what else can be done.

It would be really great if someone can help me with these questions.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

There are a number of programs out there and most of them can do this style of animation.

You should look at the free or inexpensive software programs. With out the experience of using software to build an animation, it is going to be hard to help you with your project.

Once you start turning out 30 second clips for a while, you will understand more about what you need to complete your project.

One more thing, do you draw? It may sounds like a dumb question however
you answer it, knowing your level of drawing is also helpful.