I'm a student from the San Francisco Bay Area who is curretly studying animation, and I'm currently taking a class that basically focuses on things such as networking, self prmotion, collaboration, and various other interactions you might expect when working professionally. Right now I have an assignment where I'm supposed to find an entrepreneur in my particualr industy - that of course being animation - to interview, my problem is that I'm not exactally sure where I should go to find someone like this. If anyone know somewhere I could go to find an entrepreneur or they are/ know one who wouldn't mind me asking them a few question, I would really appreciate it.
Where can I find an entrepreneur?
By Corey Hanson | Monday, July 13, 2015 at 1:18pm
Where can I find an entrepreneur?
Oh, if you look for an entrepreneur you can contact this person
Did you find what you were looking for?