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Looking to recruit animators for upcoming animation project [ Volunteering ]

Hello everyone,

I'm planning this upcoming animation project that is still in the early stages of planning and writing to create the foundation for the animators. There is a story, setting and characters everything just needs to be put together for the concept art to be started as soon as possible. My role in this project as of right now is the project manager and lead screenwriter. 

Background information on Project

I am currently a volunteer that is part of a company called the New Whalom LLC. It is a company that is dedicated to bringing back an amusement park that used to be open in my area but shut down 17 years ago. To help really draw attention to the amusement park and to give New Whalom LLC a presence online the board of directors approved the idea of creating an animation series that uses the amusement park as its main setting. The end goal of this project is to create an animation series that will be uploaded onto youtube for the audience to see. 

Episode Length: Since we aren't sure about an animation/design team yet we are aiming that each episode is around 7-8 minutes (unless we get a good amount of help)

# of episodes: At the moment this is still undetermined since the planning for the animation project is still ongoing. 

Audience: Targeted audience is young adults ages 17-35

Animation Summary: 

A unruly high school student is coaxed into volunteering at a newly opened amusement park, while there he must learn the meaning behind teamwork, friendship and responsibility. 

Volunteering and the benefits:

Since New Whalom LLC is a company still trying to put together its foundation at the moment all work with the animation project would need to be volunteer based. However, in exchange for volunteering New Whalom would like to offer benefits for the work that the team will bring to the table. First, if you are a student currently attending college and that college offers benefits for volunteering, then New Whalom would try to work with the college's volunteer program. Second, any work that the animator does during this project they will be getting credit for it and participate in behind the scenes and/or other content for the audience to see. Third, as soon as the work is done and officially uploaded the animators can reference it on their portfolios and work examples to help get their names out there. This could open up more opportunuties for them. More volunteer benefits could be added later on after the New Whalom Volunteer program is created. 

If anyone is interested in joining this project you can contact me at or respond to this thread. Make sure to include examples of your work as well.