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Hi, I'm just a guy with a long-time dream of founding an animation studio with a difference. Something not like other animation studios. I'm a big fan of Studio Ghibli-type animations, but I thought it would have been great if instead of having completely new characters in each film they released, they used animated actors who had played roles in their previous films. So an 11-year old kid in one film would be a 16-year old in a film they released 5 years later. It would be as if their characters were real actors, playing roles in different films.
Well, with this in mind I have thought about creating my own animation studio. My dream is to create animated films and TV shows, and animated actors who become famous in their own right and appear in many films and shows. It would be as if they were real. They'd age, get married, be involved in scandals, do all kinds of things that 'normal' actors do, and one day eventually die.
I've written a few films and TV shows. I'm looking for people who might like my idea and want to join me. Character designers, animation students, screenplay writers, animation producers, basically anyone who might want to start an animation studio with a difference with me. Take a look at my website and let me know what you think - It's just an idea at the moment, but from tiny acorns, great oaks grow.
Carlo, Trojan Animations™