I Have a Question Gina Kamentsky

In which Chris Robinson asks animators profound and inane questions that have little to do with animation. Today's guest is U.S. indie/experimental animator, Gina Kamentsky.

'If you say something, see something' by Gina Kamentsky

Gina Kamentsky is a US based artist, teacher and animation who creates kinetic sculptures and cameraless animation films, including: Jiro Visits the Dentist (2013), Tracheal Shave (2016), If You Say Something, See Something (2015) and Spank Shot (2017)

Gina agreed to meet with me at the old Boston Garden in 1971 for an NHL playoff game between the Boston Bruins and the Montreal Canadiens. Already knowing the outcome, I eagerly agreed and booked an Amtrak ride.

I get the greatest pleasure from....

Playing guitar: When I was in art school in Philadelphia back in 1978 I bought a Gibson Les Paul Jr. at a pawnshop, learned three chords, joined a band and have been hooked ever since. I bought a beautiful sea foam blue Telecaster for my birthday this year and am currently learning the theme from “Kids in the Hall” by Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet.  I figure if things in the USA get worse under Fuckface Von Clownstick and I attempt to move north, it might help to know a few Canadian instrumentals.

The trait I like least about myself is

My flat feet! I can no longer wear heels but can still rock Doc Martins thank goodness.

The book I value above all others is

This is very hard but I would say my copy of Pictorial Webster’s: A Visual Dictionary of Curiosities by John Carrera. It’s a book of pictorial curiosities. I open it to random pages and use whatever image is on the page as a creative prompt.

A (non-family member) person I have high respect for is....

My friend and mentor, Svetlana Rockwell, daughter of illustrator and Pin-screen animator Alexandre Alexeieff.  Svetlana connected me back to so much I find essential in my practice as an artist. We would watch animation, talk about art, her parents and the people she knew growing up in Paris. She was extremely opinionated and pulled no punches when critiquing my work, to the point where she terrified me a bit. She passed away in 2015 but my memory of her continues to influence my work and teaching.

The song that makes me tingle is....

It’s a tie between “Groove is in the Heart” by Deee Light and Captain Beefheart’s cover of “Diddy Wha Diddy“

The funniest thing that happened to me….

I used to live in Provincetown Massachusetts and would walk my dog Frida on the beach. She was constipated for a week and I took her to the vet. After a bit of medication she shit an actual brick. Apparently,  she had been eating sand.

Chris Robinson's picture

A well-known figure in the world of independent animation, writer, author & curator Chris Robinson is the Artistic Director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival.