Remake of beloved kids’ show, debuting this coming November, will introduce groundbreaking interactive series to a new generation of preschoolers.
Nickelodeon is giving fan’s a sneak peek of their brand new series, Blue’s Clues & You!, a curriculum-driven kids’ series featuring Blue, a girl puppy, is premiering in November. A remake of their award-winning hit show, Blue’s Clues, that debuted in 1996, Blue’s Clues & You! introduces a new live-action host, Josh (played by TV newcomer and Broadway actor Joshua Dela Cruz) who is a cousin to former hosts, Steve and Joe.
The new music video features:
- All-new CG-animation
- Josh’s new host outfit - a blue striped shirt, jeans and custom blue sneakers
- Return of fan-favorite characters: Tickety Tock, Slippery Soap, Shovel, Pail, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, Cinnamon, Paprika, Magenta, Sidetable Drawer and Mailbox, plus the original Thinking Chair
- An updated Handy Dandy Notebook and crayon, as well as Josh’s brand-new Handy Dandy Guitar.
Source: Nickelodeon