SIGGRAPH 1997's Festival Images

Enhanced Processor Lifetime through Deuterium Processing by Benjamin Grosser, Beckman Institute Visualization Facility, Urbana, Illinois. This animation visualizes a recent Beckman Institute Discovery in Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures. The discovery involves a simple change in the way silicon-based chips are processed. The findings should result in increased microchip life and faster speeds.

The Taj Mahal by Anuj Rawla, VR Real Technologies,...


 Enhanced Processor Lifetime through Deuterium Processing by Benjamin Grosser, Beckman Institute Visualization Facility, Urbana, Illinois. This animation visualizes a recent Beckman Institute Discovery in Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures. The discovery involves a simple change in the way silicon-based chips are processed. The findings should result in increased microchip life and faster speeds.

siggraphfestival20a.JPGsiggraphfestival20b.JPGThe Taj Mahal by Anuj Rawla, VR Real Technologies, Bangalore, India.

siggraphfestival21.jpg  A Cloud is Born by David S. Ebert, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Maryland.


 Some Leaves by Stuart Sharpe, San Rafael, California. ©1997 Stuart Sharpe.


 Deadly Mister Misty by Alison Colman, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. This film is about a little girl whose ice-phobic grandmother unwittingly buys her an icy drink from the local Dairy Queen. Created on a SGI Workstation and Power PC with AL, an ACCAD in-house procedural animation and modeling programming language; Alias; Photo-realistic RenderMan; Fractal Painter.


 Mandelbloom by Lewis N. Siegel, USC MFA Animation Program, Los Angeles. This is an aesthetic piece which explores the relationship between fractals, flowers, and form. It demonstrates the evolution of the Mandelbrot set as it evolves through its first several iterations.

siggraphfestival25.JPGOpen Mike Night by Jonah Hall, New York. An independent film.


 Jack by Doug Pfeifer, IVI Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The story of the Jack-in-the-box who gets his legs and then loses them. It has occurred to me that history's greatest tragedies are usually preceded by history's greatest triumphs. One seems to drive the other.


 Geodesics and Waves by Konrad Polthier, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany. This film introduces topics of recent work on numerical methods on arbitrary surfaces, their discretization and visualization. Geodesic curves are a fundamental concept in mathematics to generalize the idea of a "straight line" to curves on arbitrary surfaces and in general manifolds. This makes them a suitable tool also for numerical methods.

siggraphfestival29.JPGGabola the Great by Tim Cheung, PDI, Palo Alto, California. Cheung, a recent graduate of Pratt Institute in New York, created this short through the support of PDI, where he is currently working on the animated feature film, Antz.


 Interactive Virtual Environment Walkthrough by Kian Bee Ng, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore.


 The NICE Project by Andrew Johnson, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago


 Usonia: Frank Lloyd Wright's Vision For America by Max Strang, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, New York.
