Lately, with all the comings and goings, I have still managed to stay on track with my next film MIMI AND GACK . The ruff boards were finished three weeks ago – and I made the decision to create more finished boards that would be easier for colleagues to follow
MiMi and Gack on Track
Lately, with all the comings and goings, I have still managed to stay on track with my next film MIMI AND GACK . The ruff boards were finished three weeks ago – and I made the decision to create more finished boards that would be easier for colleagues to follow. My ruffs were… well… pretty darn ruff. The extra step would not only improve communication with the project – the act of redrawing the boards would give me the opportunity to rethink some of the sequences. Plus, it would be nice to receive some feedback from others.
Last Thursday morning, I mailed out copies of the MIMI AND GACK boards to folks in New Jersey. Sometime later this week or early next week we will have a video conference to suss (Irish term) out the gags and story. At this point I am open to whatever feedback I receive.
I can remember way back to my screenwriting class with the legendary screenwriter/instructor Syd Fields. Syd wrote the book(s) on how to write screenplays. I have no idea how Art Center obtained his services but somehow they did. Syd was great! He taught us that the more fleshed-out your characters were the – the easier it would be to determine their needs…and, their NEEDS drove the story. Action was another element that helped define the characters. We all learned so much from him.
In MIMI AND GACK, both MIMI and GACK have needs and their story of how they come together is based on their individual needs. The resolution plays out and their needs draw them to a conclusion.
The next step I took today was to draw some test animation. I am beginning with a walk for GACK. I am also sketching concepts for the environment and playing with some different techniques.
The plan is ALWAYS the same, take one day at a time. I can remember back to the initial stages of PETE’S ODYSSEY. I worked with the same goal – one day at a time. I had no budget, no production crew – no angels from Bloomfield College (they came later). Some folks look at the production of a film and are overwhelmed by the massive undertaking. If you take it one day at a time- you will get there.
…more production notes update later… and maybe a v-blog
By the way, Happy Saint Paddy’s Day to one and all! Savannah has the second largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration in the States. 500,000 revelers are expected. The fountains in the squares downtown are already running green. Local military units from Fort Stewart will march in the parade and as tradition has it; they will be showered with bright, bright, extremely bright red lipstick kisses. By the time they reach the parade’s terminus, they are covered with red kisses.
Always Animated!