NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 (Nintendo DS)

Whether a lover of all things Naruto, or simply a cybernetic pugilist, Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 will satisfy your gaming fix.

2009 Developer: Dream Factory. $29.99. ESRB Rating: T. Publisher: TOMY

 I once said that Ninja Destiny 2 would change the way we think about DS gaming. Well, I wouldn’t alter a damn word! This 3D fighting game delivers the goods.

Ninja Destiny 2

Following the Shippuden plot from its inception to the reunion of Naruto and Sasuke, this game is an apt blend of RPG and fighting play. Story mode allows you to fight your way through the story arc, yet not get slowed down by excessively long periods of dialogue. And if you master story mode, quest mode, with thirty different levels will further test your jutsu prowess.

 But fear not, if you’re stuck in the airport, or waiting for your significant other to just choose a pair of shoes, and want to kick a little ass, 1 v.1 and survival mode allow you to go straight to tournament combat. Like any mode of play you can choose whatever character you wish. And characters there are. Ninja Destiny 2 totals 34, including both original and Shippuden versions. In fact, only here can you fight as the 9 Tail Fox Naruto!

 Better still, these tournament modes can be played with friends via wireless connection.

 What’s more, in true manly fashion, this game is so easy to pick up that you barely need directions. That’s right, whether simple combos, defensive blocks, bone crushing blows, or even secret jutsu, manipulating the DS console is simple and intuitive. Any gamer will feel right at home. Seriously, within one afternoon I was already unlocking new characters to play!

 Kudos goes to Mike Jones and TOMY. The fingerprints all over this game indicate true Naruto fans. In fact, when I spoke to Mike, he assured me that during the entire design process he always had an eye on the fans.

 Whether a lover of all things Naruto, or simply a cybernetic pugilist, Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 will satisfy your gaming fix. Get out there and by it. Now!

