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Sony Pictures' Mobile Voltron Game

Whether you’re a Voltron fan or not, for $3.99, you really can’t lose! One again, it satisfied my gaming appetite; and this says a lot, since, besides Tetris, the gamer in me tends to shrink in the face of mobile phone play.

I promised a few more words and some images of Sony’s new Voltron game for wireless carries. As of now, it’s available for $3.99 on iTunes and is compatible with the iPhone and iPod touch. So, here are few more words and images. 



I love this game!

Okay, surely there is some bias, since my affair with Voltron goes back to childhood – don’t forget, I still own the original Bandai GoLion. But this game should fulfill the expectations of mobile gamers. Story mode offers thirty levels, the iconic characters, and thus an abundance of Voltron vs. Robeast action. It even includes audio and video straight from the original series! And as you play and unlock Robeasts, they are collected in a mode called Zarkon’s Robeast Arena. Here you can play as either Voltron or any Robeast unlocked thus far in gladiatorial style combat. Or if you just want to operate an individual lion, Environmental Gameplay offers a series of obstacle courses.

Voltron iPhone

Voltron iPhone

More than just mobile play, this game operates like something you would find on the DS. In fact, that is exactly how Voltron plays, feels, and looks. So, a tip of the hat to Sony Pictures and their gaming team. This may not be the PSP or even a 3D game on the DS, but Voltron is definitely top notch in the context of wireless phone gaming.

I can think of only one caveat. Without 3D activity, it obviously won’t please everyone.

Whether you’re a Voltron fan or not, for $3.99, you really can’t lose! One again, it satisfied my gaming appetite; and this says a lot, since, besides Tetris, the gamer in me tends to shrink in the face of mobile phone play. Let's hope new updates are in the works. 
