Sound Design For Animators - free webinar

David Sonnenschein, professional sound designer and author of “Sound Design: the Expressive Power of Music, Voice, and Sound Effects in Cinema” has invited me to co-host a free sound design webinar for animators (all filmmakers are welcome!) on March 17, 2011 at 9:00 am PST / noon EST.

How to use plug-ins to alter your sounds to fit the story

David Sonnenschein, professional sound designer and author of “Sound Design: the Expressive Power of Music, Voice, and Sound Effects in Cinema” has invited me to co-host a free sound design webinar for animators (all filmmakers are welcome!) on March 17, 2011 at 9:00 am PST / noon EST.

This event will offer an overview of topics essential for people who direct animation and want to enhance their sound design skills. There will be an interactive chat to answer your questions related to sound design.

Some of the areas that David will introduce include:

*  Tools and tricks to create your own effective sound tracks

*  Using sound to impact the audience on intellectual, emotional, and visceral levels

*  Building successful communication skills with the post team, including composers and sound designers

He’ll touch on the following topics:

1. THE INTELLIGENT EAR   Listening Modes, Sound Qualities and Bipolarities

2. PLUG-IN POWER    Using digital plug-ins to alter sounds for Size, Distance, Speed, and Non-Physical Reality

3. RULES OF the BRAIN ROAD    Psychoacoustic Principles and Applications

4.  SONIC TIME-SPACE CONTINUUM    Creating an effective cinematic space through the use of Soundscapes and Sound Spheres

5. AUDIO BUILDING BLOCKS     Constructing Sound Events and Sound Objects

This area covers the mastering techniques of sequencing, layering and mixing to infuse sonic fragments (sound effects, words) with meaningful messages (sound phrases, sentences).

6. PEOPLE, PLOT AND PASSION     Narrative Structure and Sound Mapping

Bottom line, how can sound help tell your story?  By understanding dramatic elements of character and emotion, the map can guide you to creative and impactful decision-making.

Grab a coffee and come join us for the hour!

The webinar allows only a limited number of attendees so if this interests you, register early.

The dates again: Thursday March 17, 2011 at 9:00 am PST / noon EST

For registration follow:

If that timing doesn't work for you, David is offering another free webinar on Wednesday March 16, 2011. To sign up follow

For my recent post on David Sonnenschein and learning sound design online follow:

For those who are interested in more in-depth learning with David, he will be offering a full 6 week webinar on Sound Design For Pro beginning March 22/23 and running through April 26/27. To get more information or sign up, follow
